The most comprehensive study materials to pass the NCE or NCMHCE ... the first time.
Preparation materials written and taught by expert instructors and consultants who have helped thousands of exam candidates just like you.
From the moment you receive your materials there will be an exam expert available to guide you through your study process.
You can rely on our materials because we have a team of consultants and writers working everyday on updating our books, lectures, and exam questions.
We offer a no-risk, money-back guarantee on our study packages. Other companies may offer similar programs and guarantees, but none can match the quality of AATBS's study programs.
All the materials and support you need to pass.
Counseling professionals have come to rely on us for our personalized consultations and the best variety of study materials on the market today.
Complete Study Packages with everything you need to prepare for your exam
Comprehensive study volumes
Navigate difficult questions with Expert Phone Consultation
Study with the only exam preparation program with experience to offer a
Pass Guarantee on Study Packages
Learn live with expert instruction by enrolling in a workshop
Simulate a testing experience with online mock exams
Over 500,000 candidates passed with AATBS
AATBS helps candidates prepare for exam day. When you study with us, you can be sure you'll be ready for your exam too.
Rasheda Terry, LPC
“Thank you AATBS!! The NCE was made easy due to your study materials!!! Your test taking strategies will follow me throughout life.”
“Just wanted to let you know I passed both the NCE and NCMHCE exams! Thanks to AATBS, I was able to pass my exams the first time. I am so grateful for the preparation I received from AATBS. I could not have done it without you!”
Brent Ketring, LPC-MHSP
“After purchasing your 4-Session Online Workshop Series and using the skills and tools the presenter gave us, I passed the licensure test on my first try. I have years of clinical experience but honestly, sometimes that is the very thing that complicates taking the test. Your online series gave very useful tips and suggestions and content that indeed made it possible for me to pass the NCMHCE.”
Connie Glass
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