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AATBS helps candidates prepare for exam day. When you study with us, you can be sure you'll be ready for your exam too.

R. Burtch, LCSW, MSW

“I want to thank you for putting together a program that comes very close to the actual [exam]. I passed my exam yesterday and want to thank all of you ... for your encouragement, wisdom and direction in completing this difficult process. My clinical supervision didn't come close to the content of this study program. I can't say enough good things about it.”

“I took my LCSW Exam today and passed! I wanted to say thank you for the excellent study materials. Also, if you could pass along to Peter Schreiner, LCSW that his workshops were enormously helpful!! I was at the live 1-Day ... Exam Workshop ... and I am so glad that I went!”

Cathi Fisher, MSW, LCSW

“Your preparation materials were easy to read, but more importantly, I found the workshops and the materials provided to be extremely helpful in keeping me focused and not overwhelmed. I passed both tests the first time.”

M. Smith

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